Drinking Soda Increases Risk of Gout

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Are you at risk for gout, if you are overweight, got a lot of weight in his youth, moderate to heavy alcohol drinking, having high blood pressure or abnormal kidney function.

Some medications can also cause elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. Certain diseases also lead to excess production of uric acid, conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma and hemoglobin disorders. Abnormally low thyroid hormones also have been identified to contribute to gout.

If you have gout, there are some things that will accelerate the acute attack. Things such as dehydration, injuring a joint, fever, eating to excess, heavy alcohol intake or recent surgery may all have an impact


joints most commonly affected are at the bottom of the big toe, ankles, knees, wrists, fingers and knees. acute attack comes with a rapid onset of pain in the joint, warmth, swelling, reddish color and incredible tenderness.

Your doctor will suspect you have a history of gout attacks of arthritis, especially based on your toes. Gout usually attacks one joint at a time. most reliable test for gout is to find the uric acid crystals in joint fluid sample from a test that can be done in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. rheumatologist is the best specialist to perform this type of evaluation.

the treatment of gout has two goals. The first is to stop acute joint inflammation. Usually includes measures and medications that bring down the inflammation. Others to address long-term management of the disease so you will not have to deal with the risk of gout flare up. This calls for keeping fluid intake up (but avoid drinking soda), weight loss, changes in your diet (cutting or restricting purine-rich foods such as shellfish, organ meats and sweetbreads), cutting as much alcohol (beer and liquor) drinking taking medicines that reduce uric acid levels in the blood.

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