The Effect of Smoking in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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Most of us know that smoking will cause lung cancer. Not only lung cancer, and various other cardiovascular diseases, as well. In addition to these two life-threatening complications, smoking has been proven to be a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis. This is the very factor has led to many clinical studies to establish the connection between this chronic autoimmune disease and smoking.


Most of us know that smoking will cause lung cancer. Not only lung cancer, and various other cardiovascular diseases, as well. In addition to these two life-threatening complications, smoking has been proven to be a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis. This is the very factor has led to many clinical studies to establish the connection between this chronic autoimmune disease and smoking.


According to Dr. Wolfe's theory, the effect of smoking can be clearly studied under the condition that the rheumatoid factor in these patients was studied separately.

Rheumatoid factor is present in all people. These are antibodies that bind to other antibodies and trigger autoimmune reactions. This factor is not present in all people. Mostly older people (around 20 per cent) are known to contain elevated levels of antibodies, which is responsible for rheumatoid arthritis attacks.

According to Dr. Wolfe, this factor should definitely be more or less in smokers and in nonsmokers to prove that smoking is a major risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis.

research goals: The goals Dr.Wolfe prime minister's study-

- to determine elevated levels of rheumatoid factor in smokers
- determining the quantitative effect of smoking

As part of the study, 640 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis patients (consisting of men and women) were taken into account.

Among 640 patients, while 18 percent were smokers, 28 percent was found to be former smokers.

Research has shown that smoking rheumatoid arthritis patients have higher rheumatoid factor in relation to their smoking colleagues.

Also, rheumatoid factor was found to be increased in smokers for longer duration.

These elevated rheumatoid factor were increased or elevated, regardless of gender.

Thus, smoking is definitely proving to have a negative effect on rheumatoid arthritis patients.

The effect of smoking and the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: not only increases the risk of arthritis, but smoking may reduce the benefits and effects of treatment in rheumatoid arthritis patients


2011 January issue of the American College of Rheumatology journal, Arthritis and Rheumatism has published the results of ten years long research suggests that smoking may reduce the influence of drugs such as methotrexate tumor necrosis factor inhibitors for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

As part of the study, 1430 patients studied at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

study found that patients who smoked while they were having to treat or reduce the effects of drugs or are not responding to them. At the same time patients who have smoked in the past and she gave up did not affect in any way.

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 0.8 percent of adults worldwide, at the age of 15 are victims of this horrible autoimmune disease that causes severe joint swelling and degeneration, together with the pain. Even the healthiest person without the vices of Whatever may be affected by this arthritic condition.

Therefore, it is better to avoid any external threat elements (such as smoking) that can cause the disease.

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