What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? A Brief Review

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Što se tiče ovih posljednjih, case-control studija u usporedbi RA 262 ambulantnih bolesnika s dobi i spolu podudarne kontrole (262) pohađa non-reumatologije ambulante pedeset pet (21 posto) bolesnika s RA izvijestio značajnim fizikalnim traume (na primjer povrede) tijekom proteklih šest mjeseci prije početka bolesti, u usporedbi s 17 (6,5 posto) kontrola. Zanimljivo, povijest traume je češći kod pacijenata koji su bili seronegativnih za reumatoidni faktor. Autori sugeriraju da one s seronegativnih RA može imati različit oblik upalnog artritisa koji se taloži po fizička trauma.


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, multi-systemic autoimmune disease of unknown cause. It affects most races with arthritis and disease control frequency of around one percent, although the prevalence is lower among rural Sub-Saharan Africa and Caribbean blacks and higher among Pima Indians in the United States. Emergence usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 50, and is more prevalent among women, with gender ratio of 2.5:1.


the precise etiology of RA remains largely unknown, although several interactive, risk factors believed to be involved. Family studies suggest that the genetic predisposition of RA. For example, severe RA occurs at four times the expected rate among first-degree relatives of people with RA who test positive for rheumatoid factor. Furthermore, about 10 percent of people with RA have made ​​first-degree relative. hereditary tendency was associated with human leukocitnog antigen, HLA-DR4, although the exact mechanism is poorly understood. The predominance of RA among women has led to studies of sex hormones, menstrual and reproductive factors as potential risk factors.


For example, it is known that pregnancy can be associated with disease remission and exacerbation during the postpartum period. Although evidence is inconclusive, there are indications that oral contraceptives protect or delay the development of severe RA.


Several studies have shown an increased prevalence of RA among smokers. Furthermore, smoking was associated with greater severity of illness regardless of age, duration of illness or treatment. Other factors thought to predispose individuals to development of RA include low socioeconomic status, low education level, stress and trauma.


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